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Profile Racing

Profile Racing

Profile Racing is probably the oldest company in the BMX market. Profile gained recognition for their three part Kurbelsets, which set a standard for the BMX up to the present day. All CroMo Kurbeln with Verzahnung that are available today are based on the Profile system!

Profile Racing FAQ

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Profile Racing FAQ

Profile Racing History

As a matter of fact the company Profile Racing Inc. has been existing since 1968. Back then Jim Alley and his boys were producing the chassis for racecars, therefore the name Profile Racing. In 1978 Jim's kids Corey and Justine had their first experiences with BMX on a racetrack. Jim was totally stoked and with his experience in the automobile sector it was an easy thing for him to develop lightweight components made of cromo and aluminum.

In 1979 the first Profile 3-piece 48-spline Crankset came on the market. This marked the beginning of a successful development of Profile. By the way, the axle system is original racing technology, instead of the Kurbelarms you normally put the Lenkrad on the axle.

Despite being the oldest company on the market, Profile Racing is still on the forefront of the BMX market. Due to their continous innovations and high quality parts and without any outsourcing of production to Mexicio or Asia, Profil has gained a strong reputation in the BMX industry. Profile Racing is still 100% made in USA, and with their new cnc machines we can expect great things from this company!

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