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FRANKENLAND - kunstform BMX Team Video 2018

Our bros Miguel Smajli, Ricky Felchner, Artur Meister, Felix Donat, André Bodlin, Felix Prangenberg, Sven Avemaria, Marvin Kopka & Fabio Etzel went to Nuremberg last summer to visit the Cancelled BMX Crew. David Schaller and Valentin Seuss captured all the great tricks and vibes with their camera and made this awesome video! All the boys had an awesome time and everyone killed it in the streets of Nuremberg. Special thanks to Freedombmx Mag & Merlin Czarnulla who've made a huge story in their 25th B-day Issue, which you can grab right here: click here

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Story: Freedombmx Magazine

Video: David Schaller & Valentin Seuss

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