wethepeople "Supreme" Barends
Weight : 0.06kg / 0.13lbs
The heaviness of a BMX part, measured by weighing. It's worth noting that weight specifications for BMX parts can vary and may not always be precise. Several factors contribute to this:- Manufacturer's weight specifications may be inaccurate or incomplete.
- The weight of two identical parts can also differ.
- We cannot weigh every individual part.
Source: BMX Glossary
- Packaging Unit: Pair
- Product ID (PID): 10328
The wethepeople "Supreme" Barends are made from lightweight 6061 Aluminum and use 4mm allen key to install.
Facts: wethepeople "Supreme" Barends
- Material: Aluminum
- Bar-Tube-Diameter: 22.2mm and bigger (wedge clamping)
- Barend-Type: screwable wedge clamping
- Model Year: 2016
- Contains: a pair of barends