wethepeople "Compact" Headset
Weight : 0.1kg / 0.22lbs
The heaviness of a BMX part, measured by weighing. It's worth noting that weight specifications for BMX parts can vary and may not always be precise. Several factors contribute to this:- Manufacturer's weight specifications may be inaccurate or incomplete.
- The weight of two identical parts can also differ.
- We cannot weigh every individual part.
Source: BMX Glossary
- Packaging Unit: 1 Set
- Product ID (PID): 13512
The wethepeople "Compact" Headset includes a pair of high quality sealed bearings and can be adjusted precisely and smoothly. The wethepeople "Compact" Headset comes with a 16mm high top cap and two additionally aluminum spacers.
Facts: wethepeople "Compact" Headset
- Material: Aluminium Top Cap, 16mm high
- Size: 1-1/8" (28.6mm) Campagnolo 45°x45°
- Bearing: 2x sealed bearings
- Spacer: 2x aluminium spacer
- Gyro compatible, includes externally fork cone