Colony Bikes

Colony Bikes

Man might think Colony Bikes come from sunny California, but far missing. Springwood, Australia is the home base of Colony Bikes and its owner and cologne part-timer Clint Millar. Originally founded as a pure street Company Colony Bikes has also established a BMX Flatland line with the help of Flatlander and globetrotter Shane Badman.

Colony Bikes FAQ

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Colony Bikes FAQ

Colony Bikes History

The idea behind Colony arose 2005, because in 2006 the first pegs with integrated chain tensioner came on the market. Back then, they presented the Endevor bike the first time. A collaboration between We The People and Colony. Ramp legend Dave Freimuth changed-over from MacNeil to Colony and got his own signature frame. From that point on it was obvious, that Clint took all this very serious.

For the name Colony is chief designer Chris Harrison responsible. Clint wanted a name that sounded like homeland. In the very beginning, Australia was a colony of England and so Colony Bikes became the new name of that international BMX company.

Colony Parts

Colony parts impress with a cleane look and a low weight. Besides well known products like the pivotal seat, they added a whole range of products over the years so that you can built up a bike, full of colony parts. Especially the street frame is pretty interesting: It weighs less than 2,2 Kg and there's a lifetime warranty if it breaks. Sounds like a very impressive offer!

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