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Front Wheels

There is a wide variety of BMX Frontwheels offering a lot of different colours. Choose from Female BMX Hubs or Male BMX Hubs, in combination with your favourite BMX Rim.

Front Wheels FAQ

Front Wheels stuff

  • Manufacturer
  • Color
  • Axle Type
  • Wheel Size

Front Wheels FAQ

BMX wheel building

You want to create your own wheel setup? Just choose from our rims, hubs and spokes and we will use our experience and take over the BMX wheel building for you.

Male / Female BMX hub

The difference between a male and a female BMX hubs is the axle inside. The male hub has one end-to-end axle which is fixed with two nuts. The female hub has a hollow axle, which is fixed with two bolts. Male hubs are recommended for grinding because of their little higher strength while female hubs have the advantage of little less weight plus the possibillity to assemble them with an allan key too.

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