BMX Supercross Track Stuttgart - Opening

On the 20.07.2018 the new BMX Supercross Track will open in Stuttgart and you're invited to celebrate this day with us!
This new track is a combination out of BMX and SX (Supercross) track and will be build in Stuttgart, Germany

Track Details: The course has a length of about 450m, 2 start ramps (5m and 8m), 4 straight lines, which are divided into two parts to provide advanced riders and professional athletes a huge development opportunities. 3 asphalted steep curves allow optimal grip in the curves. There will be various obstacles and obstacle combinations in different difficulty levels, which have Worldcup level.

This constant track is (currently) the first and only one of its kind. That makes Stuttgart to a hotspot for all ambitious BMX athletes in Europe.
The construction works are in progress since 15th of May. How it looks at the moment, you can check right here:

Click here for more: BMX Supercross Track

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

BMX Supercross Strecke Stuttgart - Opening

27th July at 14pm (local time)

BMX Supercross Strecke Stuttgart
70376 Stuttgart

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